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Writer's pictureJames Mills

BREAKING NEWS: Lighthouse International Group Stands Up To The Tyrannical Bullies At The Daily Mail

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

First Published on 28th April 2022

This morning we received an email from Tom Kelly at the Daily Mail with his intention to write a second libellous article about us at Lighthouse International Group, now known as Lighthouse Global. Paul S. Waugh was literally about to sit down to record the next edition of the Waugh Rooms and decided that he would film a response not only for Tom Kelly, the Daily Mail and our trolls, but also for those who want to stand with us against bullying and tyranny.

Email from Tom Kelly, The Daily Mail...

Dear Mr Waugh,

We are doing a story about you illegally naming a victim of child abuse on social media without her consent.

As you know, publishing information which identifies a victim of a sexual offence without their express written consent is a criminal offence under the Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 1992.

The story is also expected to include how you:

:: Described deeply private details of the woman's childhood abuse which she had revealed in confidential mentoring sessions at Lighthouse.

:: Called the woman’s behaviour ‘narcissistic’ and ‘toxic’.

:: Identified her current location, even after she had told how she had to move abroad to escape you and Lighthouse.

:: Posted unlawful videos containing this information on YouTube and on the Lighthouse website and these videos were widely shared by the group's senior members on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for 24 hours until belatedly being edited.

:: Your actions in doing this has been criticised as disgusting, horrendous and bullying.

If you have any comment on this please could you get back to me by 5pm today.

Thank you for your help.

Kind regards,

Tom Kelly

Paul Waugh's Response...

Mr Kelly,

I was ready to produce the current edition of the very (and increasingly growing) popular edition of The Waugh Rooms as your email came through so have produced a comprehensive response to your email and impending article on video which given the Daily Mails shocking reputation and questionable journalistic and publishing methods are significantly in the public interest.

I have attached below a video link as it is now already live to the public on YouTube.

Your (Daily Mail) awful reputation as a newspaper precedes you all, as this video precedes your article well in advance.

Paul Waugh

Watch and share with those who believe that those in the media who abuse their position and power must stop...

Please share your thoughts and your feelings as a comment on this video. You can also learn more about, follow and support our response to the Daily Mail through our dedicated site.

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Sukh Singh
Sukh Singh
May 06, 2022

everyone knows that the media Has the potential for incredible value, education and information for humanity. It’s a wonderful platform. However, when people are not educated and brought up to reflect on themselves and look inwards first at the problems of their life, journalism can become a tool for abuse and destruction - where journalists target people and organisations for their own significance. I know this, I’ve done it in the past. Tom Kelly, I really hope this can teach you to start building your life honestly rather than hide behind the computer and keyboard. As Paul has said, the abuse of freedom is over, the abuse of the media is dying.

Mel Francis
Mel Francis
May 09, 2022
Replying to

You're absolutely right, I watched the speech Trevor Noah did at the White House Correspondents Dinner and it helped me to realise that it's basically a running joke that journalists are biased, get things wrong, are hugely hypocritical, only show what they want to show. I valued that and obviously this experience with the Daily Mail to help me see that the news outlets are not be all and end all. It's like any business: some do it better than others based on truth and integrity, and some get it really wrong and they can't be taken seriously, like the Mail.


Anthony Antoine
Anthony Antoine
May 01, 2022

Paul, I love your handling of the Tom Kelly of the Daily Mail. I’ve seen how this person and this organisation works, they sensationalise everything, and even his comment about ’deeply personal private details‘ is inaccurate. This is a mark of a bully and tyrant, inflating, skewing and bending the truth into a fabrication so they can break down and destroy in the name of the public interest but really is to make money at the expense of other people’s lives. Your response is spot on, I love it. Thank you for defending the truth, facing the bullies and owning up to where you got it wrong. I wish the likes of Tom Kelly and Adam Luck had the same…


Jai Singh
Jai Singh
May 01, 2022

I’ll say it again that people who have something to hide dont come out in public and address things like this! No one takes on the Daily Fail everyone is running scared of certain Sections of the press. Look what the Daily Mail did to Angela Rayner last week. They are professional trolls trying to get click bait on stories. yes if Paul or we have done anything wrong we’ll hold our hands up and apologise as Paul has done.


May 01, 2022

This is incredible. Standing up to fake news reports whilst simultaneously standing up for those who have been bullied in the past by, more often than not, those closest to them. Thank you for this article James and Paul for taking such a strong and righteous stand given what the Daily Mail are trying to do!

Daniel Schmitz
Daniel Schmitz
May 01, 2022
Replying to

I fully agree, Jess! This is a fantastic example in regards to dealing with false accusations and to give a decent response to sensationalism in the name of being able to sell more newspapers. Thanks Paul and thanks James for writing the article.


May 01, 2022

I love this! In a world of fake news and sensationalism, where profit is put before people, this is holding those responsible accountable with strength and care! It will be fast caring to see how things unfold from here and the lessons it will give to so many.


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