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Court Order Issued Against BBC Reporter Rani Singh To Stop Harassing Her Adult-Children

Ms Singh, a co-conspirator to the BBC's hit piece "A Very British Cult", was removed from the production when the BBC saw the extent of the evidence we hold about her ongoing abuse of her now adult-children

As a desperate last resort after decades of trying to support and reason with her, Rani Singh’s sons, Sukhraj and Jairaj Singh, applied earlier this year for a non-molestation order against her. A Court Order was subsequently issued to cease her harassment of her sons. None of us wanted it to come to this, least of all Sukh and Jai, but Ms Singh has absolutely refused to stop her narcissistic and obsessive attempts to coercively control and feed off her now adult-children. Such are the depths of her malignant narcissism and desire to possess her adult-children, that she is now in violation of this undertaking (more to follow on this in the David vs Goliath Showdown).

Ms Singh is one example of some of the most toxic parents of our Lighthouse clients, who have caused crippling levels of damage to their (now adult) children through their childhoods. However, the worst of it is that when those adult-children (like Jai and Sukh) then try and seek out the guidance, love and support they need to heal from the neglect and abuse they have suffered, the very parent/s who committed that neglect and abuse, in their evil, try to destroy the very opportunity their children have to heal. This does not happen just with us at Lighthouse Global, but wherever such an opportunity for true healing from malignantly toxic family members exists. This is well documented by psychologists who specialise in understanding toxic parents, such as Dr Susan Forward.

Ms Singh has been belligerent in her denial of her toxicity even though their family therapist, Ms Chloe Antonio, said to Ms Singh that her children ought to have been taken into care, such was the level of her neglect and abuse. Subsequently she has spiralled into a deep pit of denial in relation to her abuse of her own sons, Sukhraj and Jairaj. She has made it her mission to try to destroy Paul Waugh and Lighthouse Global, no matter how much she has to deceive others to do this.

Ousted from “A Very British Cult”

Despite working for the BBC on and off for over 3 decades, Rani Singh was, we have come to learn, ousted from her involvement in the smear campaign hit piece, “A Very British Cult”. This is following the fact that we sent the BBC evidence (in her own words) of her long-term abuse (including psycho-sexual) of her sons Sukhraj and Jairaj Singh.

As is tragically and consistently the case with her, Ms Singh has again left a trail of destruction in her wake. River Radio (where Ms Singh worked as a host and presenter) presented lies about Lighthouse Global, unchecked, by Ms Singh on her own show. Following this, River Radio was found in breach of Ofcom regulations and refused to comply with their obligations as a broadcaster and has subsequently come off the air, now shut down completely. We are currently working with Ofcom on over 120 malicious falsehoods in the BBC hit piece "A Very British Cult".

Even fellow co-conspirators, such as Jon Breen ( who tweets under the pseudonym educofirebird (see below), who have been supporters of Ms Singh (even paying for her lawyers in her failed defence) are starting to see the depths of her deception. Tragically, Mr Breen does not see his own.

Why did the BBC remove Ms Singh from their evidentially fallacious documentary, “A Very British Cult”? They know that the evidence that we sent to them of her abuse of her children is undeniable... even to them!

BBC protecting abusers and hiding their abuse

The BBC has a long history of protecting abusers and hiding their abuse, often sexual, and especially paedophilia. They have done this again through “A Very British Cult”.

1. They have ignored Rani Singh’s abuse of her children when they have the evidence of it.

2. The BBC have ignored the incest in the case of 'Erin'. Her abuser is not Paul Waugh, it is in fact her closest family members. This is a fact the BBC have provably distorted and tried to water down where, again, we have extensive levels of evidence to show this and we will be presenting that through our David vs Goliath Showdown.

3. Jeff Jones, who is the poster boy of the BBC docuMYTHry, came to Lighthouse when he was desperate for help. Jeff was bordering on alcoholism and was suicidal because of the damage that had been done to him by his broken family. Here it is in his own words.

It is evidence such as this which obliterates the BBC's lies and they know this very well. However, the BBC has thought they could get away with what they have done by censoring and preventing Lighthouse from using their voice to reach enough people to share it. They couldn’t be more wrong...

David vs Goliath.. the Showdown.. It’s Coming...


My relationship with Rani Singh

I have known Rani Singh for more than 14 years. Before she recently appeared in court, the last time I saw Ms Singh properly was almost 4 years ago now, when I sat down for Christmas dinner with her, Jai, Sukh and their dad Hari for Christmas dinner in 2019. This was the first time they had all been together in a room since Hari walked out on his children almost 30 years before that, when Jai was 7 and Sukh was 4. Despite the hatred between their parents, we worked for over 10 years to try and bring Jai and Sukh’s parents together so they could have a family and for them all to heal. Hari wept and Rani said she was so thankful for how we were being the fathers to them that her sons had never had. At Lighthouse we have always wanted families to heal where that is possible, but in some cases the level of abuse and reprobation in the parents is tragically extreme. Such is the case with Rani and Hari Singh.

We still pray for Rani, Hari and all of those devils who think that, if they could kill us, that would somehow abscond them of their guilt. We encouraged those, like Ms Singh, who were trying to destroy us to do their worst, which they have and yet, here we are! They thought that by making their lie bigger and spreading it further, as they have with the reach of the BBC, that it would mean they can get away with that. However, the extent of their deception just means the consequences will be even greater for everyone who is involved.

You be the judge, with all the evidence.. join us for the David vs Goliath Showdown

NB Sukhraj and Jairaj Singh have had no involvement in initiating or writing this piece.


Anthony Antoine
Anthony Antoine
Oct 02, 2023

Thank you Chris for revealing the tragedy here; this is a sore and painful subject but facing the reality of our lives, in this case having a mother (if you can call her that) that’s so narcissistic she’ll cause your demise to get what she wants. In being honest and real, we can take the necessary, highly likely to be very uncomfortable, steps. But it’s in cutting away of disease we become healthy. That’s I feel is moral of the story - we have to do what is right, no matter how uncomfortable it is if we want a healthy, valued filled life. I’m grateful for you taking the time to write this, society has to wake up to reality…


Oct 02, 2023

It is tragic when a family does not grow together or is not nurtured in God’s grace from the outset.

I am learning that if the foundations for a marriage, for a family are not in place from the beginning, then any imperfections in ourselves, left unaddressed, develop into narcissism and leave ample room for toxic behaviour to flourish.

From what I’ve seen and witnessed myself from Rani, I am amazed at the miracle that is Sukh, Jai and the work of their mentors at Lighthouse.

Thank you Chris for sharing this piece which so clearly points at the reality and truth of not only their upbringing, but also of the toxicity that is present when narcissism is allowed free…


Daniel Schmitz
Daniel Schmitz
Oct 02, 2023

To hear about the extent that parents go through to control their (grown-up!) children is shocking. So I feel with Jai and Sukh and what they have to go through to face up to their mother and to stop her from harassing them. There are always consequences for our behaviour and God bless Jai and Sukh for having to go to the Courts and to get a non-molestation order against their mother.

It’s narcissistic parents who don’t take any responsibility for their actions and who think they stand above the law! God will be the ultimate judge and I just hope and pray that Jai and Sukh have the strength to overcome the abuse they experienced in their lives and…


Lee Frimston
Lee Frimston
Oct 02, 2023

Tragic indeed. The abuse of our God-given privilege of being a parent is so sad to see. Children suffer directly or indirectly at the hands of so-called adults. The Singh brothers have been abused and neglected in so many ways. I am by no means a perfect parent but what stands out to me is the lack of remorse and contrition here. Where there is wrongdoing, repent and ask for forgiveness. I pray that all those who can see this will embrace this in their heart and soul 🙏


Warren Vaughan
Oct 02, 2023

This is truly tragic! While it’s easy for me to feel incensed, angry, vengeful and bitter (I have had many moments) yet when I distill the reality of these outrageous events down I cannot help but feel the human tragedy of this. While I feel compassion for everyone here it certainly does not mean that natural consequences should not be faced. Rani ought to feel the full weight of the law! She will, she will certainly face Gods justice. Truth will prevail! Jairaj and Sukhraj have endured the lifelong consequences of this abhorrent parent and her abuses of them. Her arrogance, petulance, audacity and insanity in continuing and persistently violating them along with Lighthouse all the while leveraging her lie…


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