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Writer's pictureMel Francis

Finally Breaking Out of Old Patterns

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Being mentored at Lighthouse Global has been unlike anything I could have expected from a mentoring experience honestly. I’d been receiving therapy for a few years before I met my mentor Kris but I was stuck in the same cycles of destructive behaviour. From my very first phone call with him, it felt like I had met someone who was speaking my language. And I say that with all due credit to my therapists, but I was still going in circles. Over the first few months I worked together with my mentor and others at Lighthouse Global as part of mastermind groups, I was

supported in overcoming some deep social anxiety I was having relating to the breakdown of a previous romantic relationship.

I started to understand my value as a human being and how to stop deriving my self-worth from other people in a way that actually worked. With patience, honesty and kindness but also a lot of candour,

Kris and I worked together through our mentoring relationship, coaching me, counselling me and addressing the painful areas of my own shadow, like my self-pity relating back to my parents’ messy divorce. And this is still something that I struggle with enormously - I’m still healing from all the hurt and pain I experienced through that, and that’s been where my self-pity can have a field day, because I think “why did my parents have to hurt me so much?” And I can go around the houses again like I did in therapy, but mentoring

has been helping me to learn how these cycles of self-doubt, self-pity and self-loathing happen, so gradually I have begun to really heal.

And I’ve been amazed at how this healing and growth has ricocheted through my life! After my first year of mentoring, I started a new job with a huge pay increase because of how much

more I had grown in my character and competence in a seemingly short amount of time. When the pandemic hit and I re-evaluated my life, I asked about how to become a part of the incredible work which had helped me so much. For the last year I have been training as a mentor and associate elect myself and although it has been challenging, it's felt like leaving no stone unturned in how I can break out of the old patterns that were destroying me. The positive effect it has had on my life, particularly physically having healed from a long term illness that had impacted me severely for 5 years.

The commitment and dedication to growth and healing from the community at Lighthouse Global with particular additional support from Shaun Cooper and Paul S. Waugh, has been inspiring to me and has helped me overcome challenges and illnesses I thought I would have for the rest of my life. I would recommend it to anyone who is serious about making breakthroughs.

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6 comentários

Valerie Nash
Valerie Nash
18 de mar. de 2022

What I love about your article Mel, is knowing that others too will be resonating and healing with you and through you, as you are doing with Kris. I believe that healing and growing is a never ending journey, and that as we heal others, we heal ourselves in deepening levels. Your articles are inspiring, as so positive and upbuilding with regard to the levels of responsibility you are taking for your growth and development, and many many people will over time, be healing and growing as a result of your dedication to being mentored.


01 de mar. de 2022

Cheers for sharing Mel, wonderful to hear of your healing and growth and I was touched by the relationship you have with your mentor Kris. Foundational, healthy, regenerative, upbuilding are a few of the words that were coming to me as I read your article, it was like your strength was jumping off the screen, inspiring bless you.


Diane Cubitt
Diane Cubitt
28 de jan. de 2022

Bless you Mel. Your strength and courage to face that which is in you. To accept that it is there and the damage that it is causing you. When I was first mentored it was an experience that I had never thought possible. Having someone help me to take responsibility for my own life and actions. The resistance in me to believe that I needed someone else to take that responsibility not me. I was not good enough or was not responsible enough. But it was that victim in me, poor little me, I can’t do this or that. Having that pointed out, wow, hard blow but so badly needed. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to hearing…


23 de jan. de 2022

Thanks Mel for sharing. So much of the pain and mistakes we make in our adult lives can be traced back to childhood but we rarely have the love and patience from someone who has been on that journey themselves to help us.


Jack Comer
Jack Comer
04 de jan. de 2022

Hi Mel, I appreciate you sharing your growth and experience of being mentored. It's great to hear the progress you had made in yourself with the help of Kris and Lighthouse encouraging your openness and being supported to heal from your past painful experiences. Thank you for sharing with such openness and honesty.


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