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Malicious Myths Case 1: The Tragic Case of Jeffrey Leigh-Jones (Part 1)

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

Part 1

This video has been produced by Lighthouse Global Media in response to the upcoming BBC ‘documentary’, A Very British Cult and its associated radio and podcast programs.

Jeffrey is a tragic case of a young man who was desperate to try and overcome the neglect and abuse in his childhood but who eventually succumbed to the incessant bullying and pressure from his toxic family and in particular, his girlfriend Dawn Ingram. As a result he turned on those he knows supported and cared for him at Lighthouse for years before this, having to lie and create malicious myths in order to do so.

This first part of our docu-series contains a tiny portion of the substantial evidence we at Lighthouse have available to share, which categorically and unequivocally refutes and disproves these myths. We have held back from releasing this as long as we could to avoid such a situation out of care for Jeffrey, however, we must now stand for truth and to protect the reputation and health of the people here at Lighthouse. This is especially the case given two of our partners have attempted to take their own lives as a result of what Jeffrey is now a part of.

Jeffrey has put himself in an awful and very unenviable position because of his unwillingness to see reason and find a righteous resolution, which he has had well over a year to do. This information clearly disproves the claims he and the BBC have published and is information previously offered to the BBC but which they’ve ignored several times. In light of this we earnestly pray for Jeffrey and hope that he may now turn things around and speak the truth.

Our message to Jeffrey is that there is always a way to work through things like this, but that involves his repentance, atonement and desire to make things right, primarily through and with our Lord Jesus Christ.

To our brothers and sisters in Christ we ask you to join us in support of all those in the Body of Christ being persecuted and who are suffering malicious attacks through lies, deceit, slander, defamation and worse.

Lighthouse Global Media is spearheading a global groundswell campaign for all Christians who believe in the need for a global Christian voice and platform for truth to come forward and support us. God bless one and all and may our Father’s will be done.

Follow The Lighthouse CEO's and our head Mentor, Paul S. Waugh for regular updates.

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James Mills
James Mills
Mar 31, 2023

I really feel for Jeffrey in what's happened to get to this point. From knowing Jeffrey during his time at Lighthouse he was incredibly appreciative of our community and our work. It was humbling to hear where he was when he first met us and the breakthroughs he was making in line with serving others. We had a shared vision for working those who had been through near-death experiences. All these dreams and visions have been dropped by selling out to girlfriend and family. He wanted to be a pioneer like one of his heroes Ernest Shackleton, but the burden of pressure from those closest to him was too much. He was unable to share what our work meant to…


Daniel Schmitz
Daniel Schmitz
Mar 30, 2023

The Truth is undeniable. This evidence shows how the smear campaign against Lighthouse is based on malicious falsehoods and tyranny. The BBC wants to go ahead with their docuMYTHary to hide away from their own internal issues and from the abuse - including child abuse - done by people like Jimmy Savile. Jeffrey is their poster boy. We have so much evidence of Truth and reality and this will all come out.

Without repentance hate and anger might kill us. I hope Jeffrey recognises this and takes responsibility for his lies and deceit.

God bless Jeffrey 🙏‬


Mar 30, 2023

God bless you Jeffrey, and all involved. May God have grace and mercy on your soul. It’s not too late to turn things around, providing you have the repentance, will and contrition to do so. 🙏🏼 May we all learn from this situation and put to rights what needs to be. God bless everyone involved 🙏🏼 Don’t let your heart and soul be darkened Jeffrey! You have choice and opportunity to accept responsibility for your choices and actions, do so! 🙏🏼 we are all praying for you and everyone involved here. God’s grace and love to you. This is the first of many series to come! #maliciousmyths #documentary


Diane Cubitt
Diane Cubitt
Mar 30, 2023

Seeing Jeffrey in court the other day, God bless you. You have been through so much and still are. I still remember the first time I saw him online in a group, and hearing him say that the group saved his life. Not long after, you chose to work with Jai one to one. I was proud to hear and see the changes he was making and also the bond he was forming with Paul. He accuses us of coercive control but needs to look closer to home. I pray for you Jeffrey


Lee Frimston
Lee Frimston
Mar 30, 2023

The BBC have spent a lot of time, money and effort on a ‘mock-u-mentory’ that is based upon a myriad of falsehoods and deception. Such a needless waste of licence fees. Lighthouse Global Media is revealing the truth of the genuine love, guidance and support that Jeffrey actually received and that he openly expressed his gratitude for. More evidence to come out to back this up substantially. Reminds me of another BBC sketch, The Worm that Turned. God bless him 🙏


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