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Writer's pictureJames Mills

Paul S. Waugh Invites Tom Kelly From The Daily Mail To Meet Him & His Family

Updated: Feb 7, 2023

First Published 29th April 2022

At Lighthouse International Group, now known as Lighthouse Global, we are committed to putting people and relationships first. Following Paul S. Waugh's video response to Tom Kelly's email yesterday morning, he sent the following email to Mr Kelly this evening with an invitation to meet to reconcile differences and ensure the truth is reported in regards to him, us and our work.

Email from Paul S. Waugh to Tom Kelly at The Daily Mail...


Come and visit us.. my family.. my children.. my colleagues! At [my family home]! Come and learn the facts! If not (because you are too busy to travel) we will visit you (with our children, with our partners, with our families.. we will come to you at the Daily Mail offices).. don’t underestimate this.. we will get the world to observe our (all of us!) visit to you and what is really going on here!! The abuse of freedom is over!

Have a good weekend with you and your family.

Paul S. Waugh

We are looking forward to Tom Kelly's reply and making wrongs right through a face-to-face conversation. We expect that to be very inconvenient to Mr Kelly because he's not interested in reporting the truth, he's interested in reporting a good (bad) story that will sell papers. However, we're prepared to be wrong.

Months later, Tom Kelly continues to ignore Paul S. Waugh's invitation. On our site dedicated to responding to the Daily Mail article about Lighthouse Global we have published a page calling out Tom Kelly and Adam Luck for unprincipled and unlawful journalism.

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May 12, 2022

If I ever saw a message of truth and reconciliation then this is it. Thank you for sharing this James, it just goes to show what happens when one person is trying to work through things and the other party is not. It's very insightful, thank you for sharing!

Olivia Humphries
Olivia Humphries
May 12, 2022
Replying to

Very true Jess. The only way to truly heal is through humility and the willingness to make your wrongs right. To seek forgiveness for those you have wronged starting with yourself. It's not possible for anyone to be in any relationship if we are not willing to learn for our mistakes! Those who are not willing to learn from their mistakes are a major problem! ..Tom Kelly, nor any of those trolling are looking at themselves and their lies, they cannot build any true relationship...I feel for these people... This however I do feel is an opportunity for them make learn and turn this around! But it requires humility...


Sukh Singh
Sukh Singh
May 02, 2022

The abuse of freedom must come to an end. Yes. I read that and resonate deeply. Not just for a journalist, but for anyone and everyone. When freedom is abused, we become selfish and psychiatric to that degree… I love Paul’s balance and his candour. Thank you for the update and the clarity on who has been invited to Paul’s family home!! Some cult, huh?


Jai Singh
Jai Singh
May 01, 2022

If there’s anything about the people hating us they will realise that hate only poisons them and that Paul and we are always open to genuine reconciliation and repentence. Stop this childish nonsense. Thank you Paul.


Gillian Watson
Gillian Watson
May 01, 2022

It is become so normalised and easy to judge from behind a screen or to forget that there are real human beings behind the sensationalised headlines, create to stir up chaos and even destruction. What is happening here at Lighthouse, is that we are interrupting that programme and lifting the veil, exposing the mechanics of where some journalism and journalists have chosen to turn news into a rumour mill and used manipulation of truth and reality to suit an agenda. This is a prime example of bringing the human being and the consequences of attacks on people trying to make a difference out of the shadows and into the spotlight.


May 01, 2022

What strikes me is Paul's generosity and openness, he is inviting critics like Mr Kelly to visit him in his home and to see the truth of who he is and the work we are doing at Lighthouse. I hope that Mr Kelly decides to accept Paul's offer but if he doesn't then he would not be the first. It's a big list of people who have declined Paul's offer in the past and it's sad that none of these people had the courage and openness to accept Paul's invitation and learn what the truth and reality is.


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